Another Brother

#204 The Female-Filled Frontier

This Week on Another Brother: In episode #204, The Female-Filled Frontier, the brothers discuss outdoor adventures even more. This time they focused on the time around their college years, including time together. Paintballing, sledding, hiking, exploring – jump into what solidified their “brotherlyhoodness” (coined by Jacob) as they now know it! From brothers to best…

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Logo reading "Another Brother" in heavy metal script.
Another Brother
#204 The Female-Filled Frontier

#203 The Cross Country Clatter

This Week on Another Brother: In episode #203, The Cross Country Clatter, the brothers revisit night games! Rather than just reminiscing, this time they dive into the rules and how to play. Now you can play along at home too! You’re especially in luck, Alex brings to you his very own brainchild of a night…

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Logo reading "Another Brother" in heavy metal script.
Another Brother
#203 The Cross Country Clatter

#202 The Banal Boring Barracks

This Week on Another Brother: In episode #202, The Banal Boring Barracks, the brothers keep talking about masculinity, sheesh do men ever shut up. Josh leads out with hot takes on masculinity, though not his own… just listen and find out. Don’t worry, they’re so ridiculous they’re funny. If you don’t know yet, the brothers…

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Logo reading "Another Brother" in heavy metal script.
Another Brother
#202 The Banal Boring Barracks

#201 The Gladiator Gym Guide

This Week on Another Brother: In episode #201, The Gladiator Gym Guide, the brothers return for their greatly delayed premier of season 2! Are you that surprised that they overshot their return date by this much? Anyway, Jacob came prepared with a hot take… warm take… room temp take? You decide! Warning, it’s about masculinity….

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Logo reading "Another Brother" in heavy metal script.
Another Brother
#201 The Gladiator Gym Guide

Another Brother Season 2 Trailer

We told you we were coming back! Okay okay… it might be a little later than we told you. Check out our video version of this trailer HERE. Be on the look out for our eventual socials. Get ready for season 2 of camaraderie, geeky fascination, and heartfelt moments. Unravel the mysteries of the universe –…

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Logo reading "Another Brother" in heavy metal script.
Another Brother
Another Brother Season 2 Trailer

#026 The Creepy Canyonlands Chronicles

This Week on Another Brother:
In episode #026, The Creepy Canyonlands Chronicle, the brothers keep riding the spooky October train, this time to video game station. You aren’t really surprised they they they have memorable scary video games are you? …

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Another Brother
Another Brother
#026 The Creepy Canyonlands Chronicles

#025 The Purple Parka Prank

This Week on Another Brother:
In episode #025, The Purple Parka Prank, the brothers more about scary stuff. This time they get a little more real with it though. What does it mean to actually be scared in every day life, and do they enjoy that kind o…

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Another Brother
Another Brother
#025 The Purple Parka Prank

#024 The Secret CIA Seers

This Week on Another Brother:
In episode #023, The Secret CIA Seers, the brothers talk about horror, nothing specific, just why they like. Tis the season after all! You might be surprised to whom they credit their inclination to all things spooky. Ke…

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Another Brother
Another Brother
#024 The Secret CIA Seers

#023 The Jarring Japanese Jerk

This Week on Another Brother:
In episode #023, The Jarring Japanese Jerk, the brothers continue talking about creativity, but from a slightly different perspective. What does it feel like to real nail something creative? What draws them to creative o…

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Another Brother
Another Brother
#023 The Jarring Japanese Jerk

#022 The Killer Kay’s Cross

This Week on Another Brother:
In episode #022, The Killer Kay’s Cross, two of the brothers and Jared talk about creative outlets. What gets in the way? What inspires? How have their relationships with creative outlets changed through ageing? See wher…

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Another Brother
Another Brother
#022 The Killer Kay’s Cross